First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they lose an election, and they troll you.
Really, this column is so comical it's either blatant trolling or ghostwritten by Althouse. Or both! (My God, there's even a spelling flame...)
MAS. Oh, just for giggles, the spelling flame.
Internet scribes are not into civics. Most bloggers lack editors: Even as he attacked Bachmann for errors, the author on The New Republic’s Plank blog misspelled her name.
And, inevitably, in the final paragraph:
So here’s a new motto: more leadership, less bloggership. Voters tend to tire the ad hominem approach.
Sic! A missing preposition! Get this madwoman an editor, before civility is ruined forever, aieee, oh no, wail, teeth-gnashing, rending of garments, uncontrollable pooping.
MUCHO MAS. Looking at it again, this Shlaes column really is up there with the Sprezzatura "blogofascism" stuff -- every sentence is gold, pretty much. As the kids say, it should "go viral," in the manner of swine flu, only funnier, if that's even possible. She really has to just be trolling. And, mission accomplished.
LUCHA LIBRE. Don Surber shows that there is nothing so inane, he can't make it inaner.
Amity Shlaes of Bloomberg News called the Democrats a bunch of bullies. Enjoy that Fox News treatment at all future presidential press conferences.
Denounce misspellings in The New Republic, Shlaes, and Obama's revenge will be as that of Stalin! Or Mao! Or Maostalin! Or Stalinmao! Or Hitlermaostalinollini!