Gosh. It seems we are rebutted. "Spic" is not, you see, an ethnic slur, as we alleged, and we are poopyheads. Why?
It is hard to be liberal. This blogger recently got noticed by the blog Whiskey Fire....
Sadly, I must decline the honor. My quoted article, was not in in response, to Sotomayor’s nomination of yesterday, 26 May this. Rather, it was posted on 5 May
But wait! None of that actually has anything to do with the fact that "spic" is an obvious slur. The only objection raised is that he was tossing around the slur weeks ago as opposed to days ago. Which is a fascinating argument that would be clever were it not completely inane. Here, for the record, is the original quote:
But let's be charitable. It's entirely possible that the BitsBloggers are too dumb to know what a "slur" is in the first place; heck, there's even a sporting chance they think "spic" is pronounced "speek." Which would, if nothing else, explain the apparent failed attempt at rhyme.
Even by wingnut standards these fellows are, well, let 's say, "especially challenged." I wouldn't bother with them, except they're too stupid to understand the code -- which is helpful for understanding the code. They're the response part of the GOP/Limbaugh call and response in regards to the attacks on Sotomayor. They hear the call, and they respond: "spic." That's how it works.