Put me in the Cheney-Limbaugh camp. Heck, put me in the Cheney-Limbaugh 2012 camp.
Like I wouldn't.
Enjoy the water rides especially, big guy.
MORE. Oh, what the hey.
If we are attacked again, and with Obama in charge it is more than likely that we will, the public needs to remember what it was like to have grown ups running the show.
"The best hope for the Republican Party is that thousands of Americans die in agony, so that the nation might look back fondly on the recently expired at best quasi-legal regime of institutionalized torture."
It's a plan!
EVEN YET STILL MORE. Ooh, and don't forget the comments.
Cheney-Rumsfeld 2012
That’s the ticket I’d like to see.
Two battle-hardened cage-fighters, cool under fire, subtlety sarcastic, quick-witted with no tolerance for stupidity.
I was advocating that one in 2008 and, in the alternative, Rumsfeld-Bolton.
Who will stand on either hand and keep this bridge with me?
So, as they say over at Ace of Spades, I’ll be in my bunk.
(It’s unfair, you know, to tease the little people. The notion of having two such men as Cheney or Rumsfeld or Bolton on one ticket is the stuff that legends are made of.)
Now some of this is nutty, sure, but I think it's really kind of sweet how after they hold hands on the bridge and sing wistful songs about John Bolton, they go back to the bunk and fuck. It's springtime, and the wingnuts are in love.