Two points.
1. Red State is rapidly eclipsing Townhall as the first place to go to find incredibly, indeed pathetically soft targets for purposes of mockery. It's just getting brutal, and I feel bad; it may be fun punting Smurfs, but is it entirely ethical?
2. I am no Rob Farley with the maritime knowledge, but this is the craziest, most half-assed post on the Somali pirate/ American sailor affair that could possibly be written. I'm going to just show you the whole thing; it's unexcerptable in its, well, pristine lunacy.
Details are sketchy at the moment - it’s a currently breaking story - but by all indications, the American crew of the American-flagged Maersk Alabama has retaken the ship from the Somali pirates who commandeered the ship last night.
Oh my godz! O Noes!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Americans taking care of themselves, without Obama’s government coming to the rescue. Does……. not…… compute. Does……. not…… compute.
The American government’s response thus far had been the following:
- White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs - yes, THAT Robert Gibbs, the Obama answer to Scott McClellan - had stated: The White House is closely monitoring the apparent hijacking of the US-flagged ship in the Indian Ocean and assessing a course of action to resolve this situation. Our top priority is the personal safety of the crew members on board.
- US Navy ships were steaming that direction. Navy Spokesman Lt. Nathan Christensen offered this: The area the ship was taken in, is not where the focus of our ships has been. The area we’re patrolling is more than a million miles in size. Our ships cannot be everywhere at every time.
It’s likely the sailors figured they had a choice between being
beheaded on camera, and taking matters into their own hands. President
Bush’s Navy might save them. Obama? Nah, we better do this ourselves.
Good job, boys! Expect a bill from the United States Government in the near future, to pay for the petrol they burned up moving those Navy ships in your direction. They need the money, ya know, so they can pay ACORN to run the 2010 census. Also, word has it there are still a couple of bridges, buildings and highways in West Virginia without “Robert C. Byrd Memorial [fill in object name here]” emblazoned on them.
This is just... bananas. In, what, less than two months on the job, Obama has so weakened the American navy that it is no longer omnipresent throughout the entire coast of Africa, ready to swoop in *kapow* and quickly and efficiently resolve tense hostage situations at sea in a matter of hours?
And the sailors said to themselves, omigod, if Bush were president, we'd be golden, but now that Obama is in the Oval Office, we had better fight back?
I'm going to notch this as one of the craziest fucking things I have ever read on the internet. And I feel pretty confident about that assessment.
MORE. It occurs to me that this is what happens when snark becomes totally untethered from argument. The author of this knows two things:
1. I like sarcasm.
2. I do not like Barack Obama.
And that's it. He doesn't know anything else.