Howard Fineman is a crazy person. Really!
This is an abysmally stupid column, but no more or less stupid than anything else Fineman has written before, or will inflict upon the world in the years to come. There is however a conceit to it that is instructive as to the virulent pathology of the elite media mindset.
The column is an accumulation of gibberish about how The Elite are having qualms about Obama, and that such qualms place him in the incredibly precarious political position of being left with no real support except for that of the majority of Americans.
Which is, believe it or not, not what's most astonishing about the column. It's dumb, but about par for the course by the standards of modern punditry. (You have to like how Fineman is concern trolling because Obama is making the foolish mistake of trying to reach out to people across the political spectrum -- partisanship is suddenly hip, hooray.)
Here's what really kills me. Fineman defines the Establishment thusly:
Got that? And these are the forces arrayed against Obama. Now, look at how Fineman concludes:
"The rest of us"...?
Howard Fucking Fineman writing in Newsweek fucking magazine thinks he is "us" and not "The Bigs," the "establishment," totally not at home inside the Beltway, a stranger to Manhattan, far removed from corporate America?
These people are completely bananas. The reason they're so out of touch is they have no clue how insane they are.