You know, I'm starting to wonder if Maureen Dowd isn't kind of... shallow.
Of course, the reason Obama uses a teleprompter so much is very likely in order to minimize the possibility of saying something that might be reasonable but is yet awkwardly phrased -- which will then be leaped upon by Dowd-class pundits and endlessly "analyzed" in the manner of a pack of rabid terriers worrying gristle. So it's a bit rich seeing her giving him static over it. Likewise, if he did get angry, we'd have a Dowd column going after him for losing his famous cool, with her speculating it's because he secretly wants to fuck Hillary, or something.
I'm not much happy with Geither's performance myself, and yes, Obama's his boss, so that's where the buck stops. But how the situation would be improved by Obama getting angry in public is beyond me. Maybe that Douthat fellow will explain when his gig starts. (Odds of Douthat going off on teleprompters in his inaugural column? Quite excellent. His name, by the way, is pronounced "Doo-Hat," with a long "ooooo.")
MORE. Hi there, idiots from Hot Air! It's hard to even make fun of these people properly, as the "omigod Obama uses a teleprompter! (thousands of wingnuts pee sleves in hysteria)" thing is so remarkably mindless, even for this crowd. Here are some actual comments from that thread. All, as usual, 100% True Real.
I’m waiting for Camille Paglia’s eyes to be opened. Once Camille wakes up, that will be a sign that the Kool Aid has worn off for all but those Obots who will remain permanently deceived.
Rush just called The Precendent “TOTUS” - Teleprompter of the United States… SNAP!
Obama truly is The Great Uniter. Who, but The Great Uniter Obama, could cause Dowd to write a column I mostly agree with?
bwaaahahahhhahahaa.... Laura Ingraham wondered if he gets “tennis neck” from reading his precious teleprompter so often…
Heh, I especially liked when Rush asked the Teleprompter several questions during the show, great stuff!
LOL! President EmbarrASSment and his little dod TOTUS too!!!!! Worst. President. EVAH!!!!
Hussein is a complete idiot, empty suit and parrot in addition to his other faults. Now the dimtards see it and they are EMBARRASSED.
Someone left a case of wine coolers next to the bonobo cage, I see.