Red State's Erik, Son of Erick, is at CPAC, where he is damply composing ecstatic posts about his wingnut fanboy crushes ("Oh, and if God smiles on me today, I’ll get to meet Rush," I shit you not). But he's also squealing gleefully over the warmup act, the comedy stylings of vicious airhead lunatic Ann Coulter. There's video here, but I personally love the immediacy of the Son of Erick's liveblogging -- the gushiness just adds a certain, je ne sais quoi... a frisson of the class typically exuded by spooky, grabby, half-drunk uncles. Here's a highlight.
I think she just called Rachel Maddow a lesbian. ZING!
Or maybe she means Keith Olbermann's a fag. Or maybe she thinks Joe Scarborough is a lesbian. It's a bit oblique in that winning "I said it but didn't say it so if you say I said it you're the bigot" comic mode that conservatives love so dearly. And that's always hilarious!
See, no matter how you explain a line like that, and similar crispy-fresh cracks about Bill's libido and Hill's bitchiness, you know it embodies the cutting edge and not at all tired head-up-the-ass shitheaded bigotry that will make all those hip young people ditch Obama and just flock to the GOP banner!
Ann Coulter and Twitter -- conservatives sure have it all, these days. And Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum and Rush Limbaugh! Talk about your charm offensives!