Kathryn Jean Lopez, allegedly an "editor" of some sort over at NRO, provides us with her reaction to the now-notorious tirade emitted by CNBC person Rick Santelli, wherein he called homeowners with troubled mortgages "losers."
Watch for the Palin-Santelli 2012 Signs [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
I've had a case of deja vu today.
I'm noticing the tone. I'm seeing the enthusiasm. And I'm digging out from the sheer volume of e-mails I've been getting today about that CNBC dude. The reaction to Rick Santelli's Chicago-trading-floor incident this morning echoes the emotional reaction my inbox had to Sarah Palin's convention speech this summer.
I make no endorsements. It's just an observation.
"The emotional reaction my inbox had"...?
I don't doubt it. Now, wherever did I put that bottle of Jameson's and the IV hookup...?
MORE. Just because I went for the puerile joke here hardly means that the wider premise is not also hilarious. Yeah, uh, this is the way forward, guys -- rally behind the cable news assholes and the financial industry dipshits. What, was Rick Santorum's phone busy?
"Conservatives" confuse the tingling of their inboxes with anything remotely resembling consensus reality. Joe the Plumber? Sarah Palin? This CNBC mental patient?
What needs to be understood is that there is absolutley no incentive for anyone connected with "conservatism" to not be crazy. All of the established "conservative" thinkers have pretty sweet gigs, and they're not about to do something stupid like admit global warming is real, the "media bias" thing is a cop out, gays deserve equal rights, handling the economy involves more than tax cuts for rich people, Western Europe isn't a cesspit, torture is bad, universal healthcare would make sense, and so on, ad infinitum, they just gotta spite 'em. "Conservatism" as we know it is pretty much at the Jim Jones level, only shabbier.