I'm really surprised that anyone was taken in for a moment by Obama and Roberts "flubbing" the oath of office. Obama knows perfectly well that he is not an American citizen and so cannot legally take the oath. This little charade he played out with Roberts was obviously designed to cover up the fraud. Now we know why the Supreme Court refused to hear the birth certificate case -- Roberts was in on it from the beginning.
I mean, duh.
MORE. Moe Lane, as usual, gets it precisely backwards.
As ye sow, so shall ye reap - and this is what the Democrats sowed.
He's talking about the fact that Bush got razzed at the inauguration. As I've been saying for years, the only reason wingnuts burble about "civility" is that it's a cheap way to claim legitimacy, something their words and actions would otherwise deny them. Americans hate Bush, because he was a lousy president and still is an absolute ass. If Republicans genuinely want to avoid being treated with contempt they could try not behaving like pricks, and while they're at it, also stop acting all Fauntleroy pissy on the Internet. Don't hold your breath.
FINALLY. I understand Aretha Franklin wore a giant bow thingy on her head.
Aretha Franklin can wear whatever the hell she wants to on her head. She could cram six wet kittens in a fruit hat, stick it on her head, and it's classy. A voice like that makes its own class.