Mark Ambinder has written easily the funniest sentence I have ever read on the Internet:
I don't doubt for a minute that Townhall really does represent the finest, most cutting edge conservative thought available anywhere, online or off. That's why it features Chuck Norris. Not to mention Mike Adams. Or Doug Giles.
It's not at all clear to me why Serious Reporters like Ambinder enjoy humiliating themselves in public by kowtowing to the likes of Hugh Hewitt. But they do!
Anyone surprised to discover at Townhall Dot Com a completely ludicrous smear against an astoundingly centrist Democratic president is either dangerously naive or an "MSM" journalist, or both. Gonna be a fun four years for those of us who like saying "fuck" online, I'll tell you that for free.
See also our friends at IDLYE.
MORE. Townhall responds! And we are told that the mission of Townhall is to represent the entire spectrum of Conservative Thought, from Kathleen Parker to the Obama birth certificate loons.
Well said. Indeed, Conservative Thought should have that chiseled on its tombstone.