It's pretty much impossible to take Jamie Kirchick seriously; nobody does.
But it is interesting, in a boring and predictable sort of way, that there is apparently a Big Liberal Media market for his silly pieces about the ineffectiveness of the left "netroots" at the same time as there is a Big Liberal Media market for even sillier pieces about how the right "netroots" is going to totally revitalize the Republican Party... by, uh, copying the methods of the left "netroots." Shazam!
And, sorry, but liberal blogs are far more influential right about about now than Marty Peretz or his sycophants. (And Kirchick is a Marty Peretz sycophant, which on my pop cultural conversion scale works out to something just below "Night Ranger groupie.") After all, Peretz is a Joe Lieberman sycophant. (That works out to something even harder to contemplate than "confurvatives.")