Worth reproducing exactly. I hope no copyrights are violated. Because damn would that suck.
Questions for Karl Rove, and answers. Not I shit you. And Holy Shit is the following verbatim. It is so verbatim, read it, and you will want to fuck Santa. It is that fucking verbatim.
Do you see the election results as a repudiation of your politics?
Our new president-elect won one and a half points more than George W. Bush won in 2004, and he did so, in great respect, by adopting the methods of the Bush campaign and conducting a vast army of persuasion to identify and get out the vote.
Are you really such a douchebag that you are pretending the phrase "your politics" in the foregoing means something other than America Hates You, Karl Rove, for Being a Total Prick?
I guess the question answers itself. I mean, suppose YOU were Karl Rove, and everywhere you went, the only people who didn't want to piss on your head were College Republicans. Wouldn't you want to die?
Well put. But what about your great dream of creating a permanent Republican governing majority in Washington?
I never said permanent. Durable. Duh.
Extrapolating, I poop on your intelligence -- I do not merely insult it. This is the politics of the GOP as I understand it. Why we lost is a mystery.
Why aren't you in prison?
Neener. I say, neener.
Are you going to send him a little note congratulating Obama?
I already have. I sent it to his office. I sent him a handwritten note with funny stamps on the outside.
What kind of funny stamps?
Christ you're an asshole.
My mother loves me.
She thinks you're a dick.
Yes. Nobody will ever say anything nice about Karl Rove, ever. Ever. The best that you can hope for, you disgusting little unformed maggoty grub stuffed into an expensive suit, is that someone someday might wonder if they would really rather have preferred having a beer with Roy Cohn than shaking your soft little Mittens of Shame, shitberry.
Gosh, I should really stick my head in a blender, then!
Karl Rove: a little creep pervert on the halfshell, ladies and gentlemen. Please pelt him with garbage as he is ushered off the national stage. Good night!
I intend this blog as Morally Uplifting Reading for The Young and The Young at Heart.