The larger point is that the very existence of so many of these radical political partnerships (and that is what they are, significant political partnerships, not mere "marginal relationships," as Smith would have it) reveals a systematic pattern–a pattern that shows Obama to be a man of the left–so far left that he long had one foot out of (but also one foot in) the conventional Democratic mainstream. It’s true that the McCain campaign has not effectively made this point. Yet my Corner colleague Andy McCarthy has eloquently complained about that. The most important point is what Obama’s many radical political partnerships reveal about his overall perspective, and how his radicalism ties in to, and helps explain, even his more conventional-seeming Democratic liberalism. I have written extensively about all of this.
This class of stuff, you'll note, comes from people who argue that a 3% increase in the income tax rate for people making over $250K is "Marxism" and anyone who says otherwise is a Red. This is what makes the "Bill Ayers" stuff so bizarre. By Corner standards, Marxism starts at, well, Ben Bernanke. Stanley Kurtz thinks "conventional-seeming Democratic liberalism" IS "radical politics."
These are people who say, in public, that the MSM's (or Ben Smith's) refusal to grill Barack Obama on why he is hiding his desire to impose the dictatorship of the proletariat is prima facie evidence of Bias. Shazam!
The joke, of course, is that over the past three decades the "MSM" have proven amazingly sensitive to tripe like this and have bent over backwards to accomodate the concerns of those purveying such whines. And then they wonder why they're not taken seriously....
The Corner is a porn site for the resentfully ill-educated.