This Zombie person needs to consume a better class of brain, perhaps one that contains a basic grasp of statistics, modern polling methods, and why citing a Wikipedia article about a long-dead horse does not make Barack Obama's lead in national and Electoral College surveys a "bluff" or a "fraud." Instead he seems to have been noshing on the pudding that once sloshed around in Steven Den Beste's cranial cavity:
So, when the phone rings and the pollster calls -- and your Clever Hans social antennae ["Clever Hans" is the dead horse] tell you the pollster is young and liberal and likely an Obama supporter -- would you have the nerve to tell the pollster the truth that you wouldn't vote for Obama in a million years? I mean, they called you; they know your number. They know who you are. Can you be absolutely sure they aren't putting a check mark in the "Racist" box next to your name in some mysterious database?
I suppose if you believe horses have antennae you'll believe anything, such as the possible existence of a "mysterious racist database" deep in the bowels of the Gallup L. Sauron International Polling Corporation.
But you do have to applaud this zombie for expending so much time, energy, and cod-sociology in an effort to prove conclusively that he's a paranoid, know-nothing freak. Most zombies lack such get-up-and go. As it were.