I have to admit, the John McCain candidacy has often perplexed me. What the fuck is he even thinking? Why is he acting like one of my raisin necked unpleasant drunken uncles forced unwillingly into a public setting, trying hard to keep from (a) pooping; (b) humiliating one or more of their forebears or progeny out of some ancient inscrutable grudge; (c) saying "nigger" out loud just to prove they can talk like a mouthy racist dick? I can't explain this behavior in my relatives; to see a potential president doing it, well, it's a puzzle.
Could this be a clue?
Why Does John McCain Do This to Me? [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
In defending Sarah Palin, he told David Letterman tonight: "In all due respect, one of the people I admired most was an obscure governor of a southern state called Arkansas and he turned out to be a fairly successful president."
Could the entire McCain candidacy merely be a mechanism for irritating K-Lo?
If you still stubbornly believe the hypothesis that John McCain is "honorable," this is pretty much all you have left. I, for one, would be moved to tears by McCain's patriotism if this proves to be the case. Talk among yourselves... I am weepy...
UPDATE. Your 21st-Century Conservative Intellectual Movement:
Congratulations Glenn! [Jonah Goldberg]
My man Glenn Beck is moving to Fox.