Ooooo, poor widdle Sawah. She's not getting much love these days from the wide variety of super-secret media sources she consults regularly. Well, nothing a good dose of evasion won't cure.
At those times on the campaign trail when sometimes it's easy to get a little bit discouraged, when, you know, when you happen to turn on the news when your campaign staffers will let you turn on the news," she said, prompting laughter from the group. "Usually they're like 'Oh my gosh, don't watch. You're going to, you know, you're going to get depressed.'"
She added that while she doesn't always appreciate the way reporters portray the GOP ticket, she's been bolstered by the prayers of many of the campaign's backers.
"But yeah, sometimes you do get depressed watching what it is that they're reporting and the spin and some of the distortion of what our message is and what we stand for. Sometimes that, that gets draining," she continued. "But it's at events like these and our rallies that we are so energized and inspired and we know that we are not alone. We feel your strength and we feel the power of prayer, so many of you tell us that you are praying for us and praying for our country and that's why we so appreciate you being here."
Giving credit to a higher power for the day's poll ratings, the Alaska governor told the roughly 500-person audience that things might be changing. "We even saw today, thank the Lord," she said, looking upwards and raising her fist, "We saw some movement."
Jesus was a carpenter, not a plumber, of course, and I'm pretty sure he also is not registered to vote.
Oh, well. After the campaign is over, she and Cindy can sit down and have a nice long talk about the benefits of Vicdin. I'm sure that will see her through her trial. And Todd's too!
Well, at least this will cheer her up for the moment.
UPDATE: Damn you, Gerald!