The Gateway Pundit gets the prize for the most entertaining post on Palin getting booed at a Flyers game.
Tonight-- Leftists at the Philadelphia Flyer's game booed Sarah Palin, her daughter Willow, and her 6 year-old daughter Piper as they went on the ice to drop the first puck of the season.
Surely, the liberal media who have been all over the entire "angry" GOP this week for bringing up Obama's close association with terrorist Bill Ayers will condemn these leftist thugs for attacking a 6 year-old little girl?
Well, what can you expect, with those effete leftist coastal egghead Flyers fans all hepped up on lattes and arugula. They are more beast than man.
UPDATE: I rarely bleg, but I was wondering if anyone had any evidence that Potvin sucks? Thanks in advance.
BREAKING: MUST CREDIT THERS: I went to see Sarah Palin drop the puck at a hockey game, and a fascist rally broke out!
(King of the low-hanging punchlines, I am.)