This is where the Right Blogosophere ends. Which is no surprise, because this is where the Right Blogosphere started. Nowhere. Hello, Goodbye, "Instapundit."
EARLIER, I promised some thoughts on what to do about the news media's outright campaigning for Obama. (And that's what it is. Media bias used to mean that they would slow-walk stories that reflected badly on their candidate; now they just flat out ignore them, or even try to shoot them down. They're not just in the tank, they're functioning as arms of the campaign, and Obama's strategy shows that he knows that and is relying on it.)
Or not. In the world where Glenn Reynolds's presuppositions as to truth do not pertain -- the place called Reality -- John McCain is running a horrible campaign, Sarah Palin is incoherent, and George W Bush has taken all the most cherished wingnut ideas about how things should work and mindlessly driven them to their logical conclusion: Total Humiliating Fuckup.
Let's be clear. Everything Glenn Reynolds has ever thought or said about politics has been discredited to the tune of mounds of corpses, the disrepute of the United States, and a fantastically botched economy. And he also has this fucked-up Undying Cyborg shit going on...
Has there ever, ever been a sorrier, more discredited asshole than Glenn Reynolds? Ever? In the entire history of discredited sub-moron-level pompous assholes?