Shorter wannabe Bride o' Christ:
This You Tube video of kids singing a song about Obama proves not merely that we are all inevitably doomed to a tortured existence in a hellish Orwellian dystopia, but also that all that silly liberal stuff about how Bush wasn't very good on civil liberties was all... silly hysterical stuff and nonsense! (Pardon my language but these leftists just steam my breviary! Hmmmph!)
Not exaggerating: "This has more than a little whiff of Havana and Moscow about it, sorry.... I look at that beautiful child, with her lovely, lilting voice and her open mien, and I see lines for bread, lines for shoes, lines for meat, lines, lines, lines. I see the privileged few driving by the lines and giving the raised fist, encouraging the proletariat to 'keep it real.'"
The YouTube video is kitsch. Sheesh. Much like, say, this:
Which I find kind of creepy, mostly because it's a pillow. ("Look, honey, we got a wet spot on our Lord and Savior's chin, and it's making the President smile! It's a miracle!") Is this silly thing a sign of incipient fascism? Perhaps not: as that relentless Internets Sleuth and charcoal-grill enthusiast The Confederate Yankee reminds us, you can't have Nazism without the production values.
Naturally enough Jonah Goldberg weighs in, or farts in, on YouTube/Death Camp/Happy Obama Song-Gate, huffily informing the leftist brownshirts who have stormed the NRO offices sent him emails that the video is not at all like that scene in Jesus Camp where they do that spooky "pray for Bush" thing because, and I quote:
The Bush campaign didn't use glassy-eyed kids in a messianic P.R. stunt to promote their candidate, nor did any affiliated outreach group. Meanwhile, that is precisely what the Obama camp is doing — with the active support of the head of NBC, the parent company of MSNBC by the way.
Which is good stuff, because -- and this will shock you -- as Goldberg was forced to admit, it turns out that "NBC, the parent company of MSNBC, by the way," had nothing to do with the video after all! Ha ha! And that the Obama campaign, or "affiliated outreach groups," didn't do the video either!
It's also kind of piquant that a video of kids singning is for wingnuts a danger signal, but a concerted attempt to, say, stock the Justice Department with religious extremist hacks is all good fun.
During the wingnuts' upcoming time in the political wilderness I wouldn't be at all surprised to see some bright young entrepreneur build some vacation/concentration camp where for a few thousand bucks a week "conservatives" can be force fed lattes and arugula by hippie lesbians and illegal immigrants, with compulsory yoga drills at dawn along with mandatory Bible flushing and Koran smooching. Reality won't conform to their desires, but there's no reason the free market can't provide a substitute, just like people nowadays who really really want to get spanked can always find somebody willing to take money to do it. Smack! There's pots of money to be made here, if you can stomach the work.
Anyhow, whatever your thoughts on the video, it probably is not a sign of The New Holocaust. The kids, like, just ain't that scary. Unlike, say, Bob Owens and his commenters:
Indoctrinate the children at an early age and you will have them for life. The teachings of the Catholic Church, Muslims, Totalitarian states, cults, and all mind control zealots with dreams of ruling the masses and imposing his will on them. We have a willing segment of our society who are buying into this and sacrificing their children much like the pagan sacrificial practices of the past.
are the end times near? can anyone stop this?
This is scary. All these kids need are brown shirts and swastikas on their arms and they could be singing for Hitler.
That's Scary! Children should not be used in politicals... but Obama does think his is a religious movement with him as God... Poor kids, elitist Obama.
Because these wingnuts are the people who so cherish free speech and democratic ideals, I was particularly charmed by these suggested remedies for this highly oppressive video:
That teacher should be fired for using kids in a political message and for using school property to promote a candidate...public or private school.
These delusional fools should be locked up for child abuse, and the kids sent to be deprogrammed.
So I have to wonder, does this video violate the McCain-Feingold prohibition against mentioning a candidate’s name in a campaign add.
re: the “Vote” at the end of the video.
But this commenter really sums it up:
Another scene from Lloyd Wright's "Evita" enacted, and the irony of it is lost on the players.
Indeed. I hate it when irony is lost, my own self. I'm pretty sure though that if we look for it hard enough, it'll turn up, though.