Usually I wouldn't remotely consider defending Alan Colmes from anything, as he's rather a tool, but here we go. Colmes apparently wrote the following at his blog:
Rogers Cadenhead gives the timeline associated with the birth of her newest child. She had a speech in Dallas and, even after the water broke, continued with her activities, and then boarded a plane for home. She did consult by phone with her doctor.
Still, a Sacramento, Calif., obstetrician who is active in the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, said when a pregnant woman's water breaks, she should go right to the hospital because of the risk of infection. That's true even if the amniotic fluid simply leaks out, said Dr. Laurie Gregg.
And that would appear to be it. Colmes, being, as noted, a tool, seems to have taken the post down (hence the screenshot from WizBang) after it attracted the attention of the conservative flying monkey brigades, who appear to have leapt to the conclusion that Colmes was accusing Palin of causing her son's Down's Syndrome. Or so says the ever reliably shitheaded NewsBusters. To wit:
**Update: TV's Alan Colmes Says Palin's Neglect Caused Down's Syndrome Birth Stress!**....
Pile this on top of the low blow from TV's Alan Colmes who claims that Palin didn't practice proper prenatal care before she had the baby with Down's Syndrome, blaming the Mother for her disabled child.
Of course, Colmes did not say this at all, and neither did Rogers Cadenhead, whom Colmes linked. Instead Cadenhead lays out circumstances of the birth, which in certain key respects are indeed rather odd. Let's quote at lengh:
As the Alaskan media reported, Palin was attending an energy conference in Texas on April 18 when her water broke four weeks before her due date. After this happened, Palin didn't head to a hospital or even leave the conference, even though the premature rupture of fetal membranes is normally a cause for an immediate examination by an obstetrician, who will observe the fetus on a monitor to guard against infection and other life-threatening complications. Two other reasons for heightened concern were Palin's age, 43, and the fact that prenatal testing indicated the child had Down syndrome.
Palin stayed at the conference and delivered a 30-minute speech, then boarded a 12-hour Alaska Airlines flight from Dallas to Anchorage, neglecting to tell the airline her water had broken -- most airlines won't fly a woman in labor. The motivation for all of this appears to be the Palins' desire that the child be born in Alaska. Her husband Todd told the Anchorage Daily News, "You can't have a fish picker from Texas."
When she arrived home, Palin was hospitalized immediately and the baby was born prematurely after labor was induced in the middle of the night.
Maybe Palin's actions can be written off as Alaskan grit, since she's a macho hunting governor who jogs in freezing temperatures and dines on moose burgers. But as a parent myself, I think the Palins were extremely fortunate that their reckless stupidity did not end in tragedy. As middle-aged parents who already had four kids, the Palins had to be completely familiar with all the things that can go wrong in a pregnancy. One commenter on the Washington Times laid out the enormous risk she was taking:
Airlines are unequipped to handle most emergencies at 30,000 feet, particularly the kind Palin put her unborn child at markedly increased risk for. These emergencies include birthing a premature infant or uncontrolled maternal bleeding. This was her FIFTH pregnancy and delivery can happen rapidly and unexpectedly. The baby or Palin could easily have died.
In the ADN article [here] Palin downplays her decision to fly, implying traveling was reasonable as she wasn't in labor. If so, then why was she immediately hospitalized after returning to Alaska? Why was there an induced delivery of a 36-week infant by 6:30 am soon after her return? Again, ask any OB doctor. Induced delivery of a premature infant ALWAYS indicates a problem. The two most likely would be fetal infection, (a likely event given her failure to seek meaningful medical attention for her baby) or fetal distress by monitor.
Ask your OB doctor if the risks Palin took with the life of her unborn child are risks they would have advised for ANY reason.
I'm sure that some people will consider raising this subject a cheap shot, since the child was born healthy and it all worked out for the Palins. But you have to question the judgment of a person who took so many risks with her life and that of her baby.
A few points.
First, "conservatives" screeching about how "sick" Colmes is don't themselves come across as particularly high-minded when they are transparently lying about what he actually said or linked to. They look like liars, as usual, and the overwraught hysteria of their response as usual makes them come across as demented.
Second, Cadenhead is right. As per Palin's own statement to the Anchorage Daily News, she did indeed "leak amniotic fluid" at the Texas conference, which was held in Grapevine, which does indeed have hospitals and doctors qualified to deal with high-risk pregnancies. And yes, I'm afraid it is remarkably inadvisable for any woman to embark on a 12 hour flight [note: I'm now told it's 8 hours, whatever] after the appearance of amniotic fluid. Labor can begin at any time, and there is a real risk of infection. I'm glad it worked out for the Palins and their child, but yes, this was extremely bad judgment. I don't see how any other conclusion might be reasonably drawn.
Third, the WizBang crack that about Colmes that "A man who has no problem with a woman killing her unborn baby through an abortion actually has the nerve to ask if Governor Palin took too great a risk with her pregnancy" is nonsensical. A pro-choice position does not mean that you think a woman who has chosen to carry a child to term can be as irresponsible and reckless as they please when it comes to her health or her baby's. Planned Parenthood does not hand out whiskey and cigarettes. WizBang is being stupid, either deliberately or because they can't help themselves. Whichever.
Fourth, does this matter? If we were to go by the absurd standards of "conservatives," sure, because these standards solely include "saying whatever the hell we want." I don't adhere to such standards myself. But I would say that Palin's behavior is indeed troubling, because this "fronteir grit" stuff is a large part of why she's billed as such a "maverick" choice -- and the reason I'm leery of this whole sort of doxalogical construction is that "maverick" in practice as opposed to posturing means "acting like a damn fool and doing all sorts of crazy, dangerous, and entirely unnecessary shit." It's precisely this attitude that's caused so much damage for the last eight years.
Fifth, what Cadenhead said about the rumors about Palin's daughter. That's stupid (not only because it's unethical, but it would involve far too much careful long-term plotting to pull it off, and the GOP does not do careful long term planning).
Sixth, for our friends at NewsBusters, fuck fuck motherfucker! I'm being kind here, see; because I cursed, they can now rest assured that it's perfectly all right for them to be liars. All part of the service.
UPDATE! BREAKING! One of the internetty detective geniuses in the WizBang comments saved the comments from the original Colmes thread. Because NewsBusters makes so much out of the crazy, mean, out of bounds comments made by leftists, they might enjoy this one from their "side":
You chickenshit piece of filth kike, you are the reason Hitler was able to convince so many people to do what they did to an entire race of people. Assholes like you. I want to feel sorry for you on some level, but then realize that would be like trying to love a jellyfish. I’m waiting for you to make your Imus statement, you hate this woman so much inevitably you will fuck up and get fired, even if those hypocritical bastards at Media Matters won’t call any attention to your hate....
And thanks for ensuring the election goes the right way by being such a douchebag Nazi, Vice President Palin will take care of the media outlets leeching off of congress that protect the wretched parasites like you. Its about time someone investigated Soros’ tax records and shut down, if she is willing to put up with this shit I bet she has more balls than any president since Nixon. You could be target practice out on the white house range.
Delightful! We can play this game all day, too.