by va (h/t & kudos to Comments From Left Field)
Well, we can lay down our blogs, stop worrying, and focus on other things (fishing, knitting, that novel you were always going to write--friends become enemies, enemies become friends, eh? eh?): the wingnut-o-sphere has come to its senses. You never thought the day would come, did you. But the veil has been lifted & Little Green Footballs has seen the Truth:
There's something deeply wrong with a presidential candidate who attracts so many of these hateful psychotics. Read the comments; you just won't believe what is allowed to be posted
We very eagerly scrolled down & did so. And by jove, the fellow is on to something. Commenter The Other Les says, e.g.:
Apart from skin color and and the leather fetish, what is the difference between the Illinois Nazis and the Illinois Democrats?
And sphinxter VegasRick writes
With friends like obambi's, who needs enemas.
Who indeed. We congratulate LGF for examining its blog and finding it not worth keeping. So, so long blogosphere, politics can apparently take care of itself now, and... wha-whuh? Oh hell, it seems we neglected to read the entirety of LGF's screed. That should say
Read the comments; you just won't believe what is allowed to be posted at Barack Obama's web site.
Wot's alla dis, then? You mean to tell me that The Other Les and VegasRick are carryin on, bein saucy with Barack Obama?
Not exactly. The thing is, someone called Juan Carlos of Knoxville, TN put up a post on behalf of "Socialists for Obama" on It was titled "How the Jewish Lobby Works" and it contained a screed about the Jewish cabal that orchestrates US politics. (You know how anti-Semitic those socialists can be.)
Except whoops, the shocking truth is that some wingnut(s) infiltrated the site (i.e. they signed up for an account) and simply C&P'd a post from the "Real Jew News" (?). Then they took the trouble of switching every comment from the RJN post to the my.barackobama post while maintaining the original April timestamps. How this was done I don't know, so I'll call it a "sophisticated operation." Most nefarious!
This has not prevented the usual suspects from voicing their outrage. This one, that one, and this other douche are all sorely disappointed & feel as though they can't believe in change you can believe in. I pity them for their disillusionment. And, predictably, they're all maintaining the fiction that the post in question has been up "since April," revealing the Obama campaign's approval, &c., &c., &c. LGF has even successfully searched for "Jewish lobby"!!
But, do resist the urge to light yourself on fire just now. I'm sure better opportunities are coming. The pitiful fact is that the wingers seem to know they're fucking rats with the lights on here, hence the restrained outlandishness of their claims. I'm almost disappointed there's no "Obama wants to eliminate Jews from politics!!!1!" But imagine what it's like to have to walk the winger line: being thoroughly bloated with shit, and having but limited opportunities to spew it. One day there's bound to be a massive orgiastic winger meltdown; say, when it's rumored that Democrats have reanimated Ronald Reagan with a potent strain of Sudden Jihadi Syndrome. Memeorandum will implode with the sustained hum of Malkinian catatonic lunacy. As they say, I'm dying to read it.