Greater Wingnuttia is up in arms over Barack Obama saying that Iran really isn't all that much of a threat.
Well, uh, Iran really is not much of a threat. Shit, even Andy Sullivan gets this, and he's an idiot. I mean, Sullivan wrote this:
In Britain, the anti-incumbent mood, intensified by Boris Johnson's win in London, is benefiting the Tories. The parallels with the US are too close for GOP comfort. And Blair, like Bush, got out just in time.
Yeah, that sure was a shrewd move on Bush's part, to come to the end of his constitutionally mandated term, in complete contrast to Blair who actually had options under the British system.
But Sully is right about the Farsi-talkers: Iran is a concern, not a threat, and exaggeration can be just as disastrous as underestimation, you know. Witness the past five years of American adventurism, for instance.
UPDATE. Saw this over at Red State, where I was looking to see if Paul J. Cella posted anything lately:
Iran could wipe us out through proxies with dirty bombs
No it fucking couldn't. Put down the Scrabble dictionary and understand Obama is saying Iran ain't nothing, but it's no USSR, either, by a long shot.
"Red State front pager" is the equivalent of "Denny's night manager," only even really really drunk people respect you less, and with far less justification.
UPDATE: Well, yes.
"Iran is a grave threat. It has an illicit nuclear program. It supports terrorism across the region and militias in Iraq. It threatens Israel's existence. It denies the Holocaust," he said. "The reason Iran is so much more powerful than it was a few years ago is because of the Bush-McCain policy of fighting in Iraq and refusing to pursue direct diplomacy with Iran. They're the ones who have not dealt with Iran wisely."
Obama also called Iran the "single biggest beneficiary" of the Iraq war and pledged to secure all loose nuclear materials during first term, if he is elected president.
Iran has been the big winner so far in the 21st-Century Idiot American Foreign Policy Sweepstakes. That's not even open to debate. And we haven't even negotiated with 'em yet! Go figure.