Clash! Clash of the Morons!
Victor David "Thuycides Said Knock You Out!" Hanson, berating the Stupid Hippies for their naivete in believing the US of A can ever do anything to challenge Red China on human rights issues (from below):
Liberals, as are all Americans, are rightly angry over Tibet, but since a dictatorial communist China holds over $1 billion dollars in U.S.-government-backed bonds, it is unlikely that any street protesting will lead to much more than a few meaningless resolutions in Congress
Erick "Red State Uberwanker!" Erickson, in full-on squealing hissyfit, because Barack Obama said this (note - Firefox does not like that Political Radar site, for some reason):
"It's very hard to tell your banker that he's wrong," Obama said, after talking about the need to restore America's stance in the world, "And if we are running huge deficits and big national debts and we're borrowing money constantly from China, that gives us less leverage. It give us less leverage to talk about human rights, it also is giving us less leverage to talk about the uneven trading relationship that we have with China."
Causing Erickson to wet himself thusly:
Barack Obama's spine is apparently made of jello. No wonder the guy's wife has never been proud of America and thinks people are really mean. Heck, her husband is ready to hand the keys to the nation over to China and welcome them as our communist overlords....
If Barack Obama will not stand up to the Chinese for their persecution of Christians, Tibetans, Falun Gong, and their persecution of people in general who speak out against their government, he is not fit to lead the land of the free and home of the brave.
Why? Because if Barack Obama is too intimidated by a bunch of communist Chinese, he is a wuss.
I wonder if VDH knows that EE thinks he's a total pussy. I look forward to the footage of their hair-pulling slapfight at the next CPAC. Of course in such a struggle one would clearly give VDH the advantage.
(Erickson's manly he-man tough-guy act is awfully convincing, one must surely concede. I wonder if Hu Jintau even knows just how tiny his penis is in comparison to the penis of the fellow who runs the Red State blog.)