Shorter Roger H. Kimball:
We wanna be free! We wanna be free to ride! We wanna be free to ride our "Islamofascist" hobbyhorse without getting hassled by The Man...
And we wanna get loaded!
(Below: the Faces of the Oppressed)
(Actual Roger "X," to spare readers the need to click over there: "Over the last several years, proponents of Islamic jihad have increasingly turned to the courts and government agencies in their effort to suppress criticism of radical Islam. The result has been a proliferation of libel suits and so-called “hate speech” actions that aim to curtail free speech and further the cause of radical Islam.")
MORE. In comments over at Snoop Doggy Roger's, noted WF commenter and radical Iranian sympathizer SteveB observes:
You quote from James Burnham’s book Suicide of the West:
Modern liberalism does not offer ordinary men compelling motives for personal suffering, sacrifice, and death.
And you note that the book was published in 1964.
What else was happening in 1964? Well, that was also the year that civil rights workers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner were were killed in Mississippi.
Which is pointed, sure, but if you guys are going to be following my links and leaving comments, would it kill you to include the word "fuck"? I have a reputation to uphold, you know.
Besides that, the stuff about Burnham's book -- like this, for instance:
Suicide of the West is very much a product of the Cold War. Many of the examples are dated. But Brunham’s message is more pertinenet than ever. In the subtitle to his book, Burnham promises “the definitive analysis of the pathology of liberalism.” At the center of that pathology is an awful failure of understanding which is also a failure of nerve, a failure of “the will to survive.” Liberalism, Burnham concludes, is “an ideology of suicide.” He admits that such a description may sound hyperbolic. “‘Suicide,’ it is objected, is too emotive a term, too negative and ‘bad.’” But it is part of the pathology that Burnham describes that such objections are “most often made most hotly by Westerners—think of those promulgating the gospel of multiculturalism in our universities—who hate their own civilization, readily excuse or even praise blows struck against it, and themselves lend a willing hand, frequently enough, to pulling it down.”
Makes it sound pretty fucking fascist.