Good grief. From the Department of Dumb Analogies:
It Doesn't Quite Compute [Victor Davis Hanson]
Liberals, as are all Americans, are rightly angry over Tibet, but since a dictatorial communist China holds over $1 billion dollars in U.S.-government-backed bonds, it is unlikely that any street protesting will lead to much more than a few meaningless resolutions in Congress, akin to the Armenian genocide flap with Turkey. But in Iraq, where we do have leverage and capability, an elected government is trying to ward off fundamentalist terrorists of all stripes — and yet from the recent reaction to the Petraeus/Crocker testimonies, liberals seem eager to leave the Iraqi democrats to fend for themselves.
"Fundamentalist terrorists" are in charge of Iraq today. (Or at least people the administration would have no trouble calling "fundamentalist terrorists" if it suited their immediate desires.) We've just decided in certain cases as opposed to others that we can pretend otherwise for the purposes of domestic political consumption.
But there's more joy! You have to love the morality here -- "stupid liberals! It's idiotic to imagine we can ever do anything whatsoever about China's human rights abuses -- we owe them money! DUH!" How... stirring.
I mean, whose fault is that? I don't recall the meeting where Us Liberals decided to fuck up colossally on the Human Rights front by hocking our deepest moral principles to the Chinese government (only to get a recession anyhow), and then to compound the problem by launching a retarded war that would in the windup require us to pretend that the Maliki government is composed of committed secular democrats. VDH was there at that meeting, apparently, though! And in an wacky and hilarious reversal of stereotypes, it appears that in this case it was the Principled Conservative who brought the bong. Apparently he still refuses to put it down.
(Note that the conclusion "VDH is fucking high, and also stupid" is the charitable one in this instance. The only other plausible alternative to "drug addled dummy" for this post is "mendacious fuckheaded asshole.")