by Molly Ivors
Not Bitter™
MoDo today confesses a love for a bizarre form of fiction, which
seems to tell us a lot about her worldview.
Maybe I’ve been reading too
many stories about the fad of teenage vampire chick lit, worlds
filled with parasitic aliens and demi-human creatures, but there’s
something eerie going on in this race.
Hillary grows more and more glowy as Obama grows more and more
yeah. Maureen knows all about demi-human creatures: there's one in
her bathroom mirror every morning. And her living dead exes in the
attic make moving a real trick. (Wow, that was obscure.)
continues her fine tradition of calling Hillary
Clinton a life-consuming succubus from hell, while simultaneously
sneering at Obama for not smoking, exercising, eating right, and, his
greatest crime in MoDo's book, not smacking women around either
literally or figuratively. (She must really like Olbermann, who, as
Somerby notes here, has, shall we say, a pattern of such behavior.)
(h/t Susie.) No, the continued presence in his life of Hillary shows
that he's not Dowd's version of a Real Man™.
Maybe if he smoked Marlboros?
Oh, they'd probably be Lights.
she claims, has clearly been stung by the elitist label she (with her
ubiquitous “starlet” designation) and others have attempted so
desperately to affix to his back. Look, Maureen. A biracial kid
raised partly by his grandparents is not a member of The Elect. I
have issues with Obama, but he's good public servant, a very smart
guy, and will be an excellent president.
isn't about bowling or eating jello molds—activities I suspect
Ariel herself doesn't indulge in much anymore. This isn't about how
many suits he owns or pairs of shoes. (I for one, am supremely
comfortable that Maureen's closet has, shall we say, certain aspects
in common with those of Imelda Marcos and Carrie Bradshaw.) It's not
about him calling you people out on your shitty coverage, like the
debacle of the ABC debate, and the elevation and insertion of
bullshit memes. (I shudder to think what my old pastor would say
about me, were he asked.) He's done it, he's right to do it, it's not
“wry whingeing” to note it. (As, I should note, it was not when
Senator Clinton did it—and she's still paying the price, as per the
Somerby link above.) Spin it all you want, but we out here sweating
over feeding our families and filling our oil tanks and keeping our
power on are not impressed with your imaginings of what you think he
must be thinking. Sometimes a waffle is just a waffle, after all.
the most bizarre aspect of MoDo's obsession with minutae is the
grudging respect she seems to be developing for Hillary Clinton, who,
in her reading, has transformed herself into a
truck-stop-waitress-cum-mother-confessor for the masses. She doesn't
sleep, she doesn't exercise, she eats chips (two-handed!), she takes
shots both literal and figurative, she does not quit. She's
“energetic, focused, and beaming.” Of course, she's also a
life-consuming succubus from hell, so there's that.
on the other hand, is “wan,” “gauzy,” “whiny,”
disdainful, “fatigued,” and “unable to disguise being fed up
with the slog.” (Oh, c'mon. Who isn't, at this point?) People on
the road tell him to sleep, to have a drink. MoDo says he's “lost
his pizazz” even giving a speech in “an uninspired setting—a
gas station.” Clearly, Maureen has missed the last six months: for
many of us, gas stations are areas of high drama these days,
wondering where our banks have set the random cap on how much gas
we're allowed to buy. (A month ago, it was $55. Yesterday, $75. Why
are we not calling this rationing, again?) Were Obama to choose to
speak outside a Sam's Club, with individuals carrying out their
corporationally limited bags of rice, I'm sure she'd also be annoyed, and mention how elites don't eat carbs.
Joe Klein accidentally told the truth the other day when he noted
that the qualities pundits think necessary for the presidency may not
be the ones the people think are important, or even the ones
necessary to do the job. Not that we needed to hear that: we who have
been living under the Reign of Prince Have-a-Beer-Withability know
the punditocracy is full of crap. But they make opinion, they set
narratives, they advance memes. Maureen—and Joe, actually—are
doing more than any Clinton to make Obama unelectable: they're
impugning his character, ignoring his record, and focusing on the
least of our issues. Just like they did to her.
don't think we haven't noticed.