Sorry, beg your pardon, but how the FUCK is this not a push poll?
Pastor Jeremiah Wright, who has become part of the national political dialogue in recent days, is viewed favorably by 8% of voters nationwide. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 58% have an unfavorable view of the Pastor whose controversial comments have created new challenges for Barack Obama’s Presidential campaign.
Wright was Obama’s Pastor until he retired last month, but Obama has repudiated the preacher’s comments.
Seventy-three percent (73%) of voters say that Wright’s comments are racially divisive. That opinion is held by 77% of White voters and 58% of African-American voters. In addressing the issue, Obama warned against injecting race into the campaign.
Obama didn't do that, in this instance. Assholes at NewsMax did, and the liberally biased MSM ate it up. Wright didn't magically "become part of the national dialogue." It's an irrelevance that became "important" because wingnuts are malicious and the SCLM loves bullshit.
And this is fucking stupid. I especially enjoyed this:
If John McCain were an evangelical Christian and a longstanding member of Jerry Falwell’s congregation, and if he had written a memoir describing, say, how he was "born again”" under Falwell's influence, he would not be the Republican nominee today. With a great deal of luck, he might – might – have done as well in the primaries as Mike Huckabee did, and of course you may recall that Huck had all kinds of difficulties winning non-evangelical votes, faring particularly poorly among Catholics.
John Hagee hates The Papes, and McCain blew him on stage and asked for seconds.
Wingnut bigotry is pandered to. Period.