Well, I guess the panel went well. Altmouse put in a brief appearance, wine box and all. Ted Rall rocked, the Rude Pundit was rude, TRex was the therapod we've come to know & love, watertiger brought the funny. Lots of good discussion, a lot on the difference between liberal and conservative humor. My glib response was "we have humor." That doesn't quite say everything; the point was made that conservative humor is just mean; Ann Coulter is not witty. Spocko from the remarked on how the Melanie Morgans of the world like to say vile, hateful shit and then laugh maniacally -- the "it's just a joke!" defense of hate. Ted wryly suggested that he's rarely extended this kind of benefit of the doubt. (He also has a pretty great series coming up that might get him extended back onto Hannity! Ted has a pretty good Hannity impression. I do too.)