Vivisection of Mr. Goldberg to come tomorrow. A teaser:
It's impossible to maintain the thesis that Mr. Goldberg isn't an idiot when you consider the blog where he posts his fan mail. It's like reading the vanity site of an especially ambitious, halfway intelligent small-market weatherman. Example:
Signs of Progress?
From a reader:
I don't know if you're familiar with Econtalk ( ) but you got a mention in today's podcast It's right in the middle of the podcast at about 29:45 (for a decent idea of the context, start at 29:00) Russ Roberts refers to 1935 Germany as right wing and Dan Klein replies that if it wasn't left wing, it's at least hard to use the left/right measuring stick on it. Looks like the thesis LF are getting wider intellectual traction!
If you can't find in that paragraph at least two fallacies and an absurdity, it's because you were smart enough to skip it.
He's going to be approvingly posting the text of his prescriptions and his porn spam in a day or so.