The most nauseating thing about a McCain win in the GOP primaries will be nonsense like this -- "Why Democrats Should Support McCain":
So after eight years of waiting, my main man — Senator Johnny Mac — finally won a primary in the very state that, in 2000, helped set the course for the so-called Bush presidency....
I won’t attempt to talk the Republican establishment or BDS suffers out of their opposition to McCain. They’ve already lost their collective minds. But I do want to make a special appeal to non-BDS Democrats, whom I believe are still grounded in reality and who, at the end of the day, are not that much different than their moderate GOP counterparts like me.
Those Democrats should support McCain – if not in votes, then in dialogue – for two key reasons.
1. McCain raises the ire of the contemporary Republican establishment because he rejects their meaner instincts. As I’ve written before, McCain decries torture while the Establishment excuses it. He fights pork-barrel spending while they enable it. He calls for policies to combat global warming while they deny it. He seeks reasonable compromises on immigration policy while they stoke fear and prejudice.
2. McCain represents for Republicans what Obama represents for Democrats: a meaningful step away from the last 15-plus years. I’m not saying either man will revolutionize partisan politics as we know it, but both promise (at a minimum) evolutionary progress toward a different America. And if we truly believe country is more important than party, then we owe it to ourselves to boost the two candidates who (among all their peers) represent the best hope for moving us in a post-partisan direction, regardless of our individual party loyalties.
This is horseshit. Let the record show that McCain always folds to party demands -- usually right after cutting out the ground under people who want to do things like, say, ending torture. He hasn't met a deeply-held principle he hasn't cheerfully traded away.
And as for this:
McCain represents for Republicans what Obama represents for Democrats: a meaningful step away from the last 15-plus years.
Allow me to reply:
Where the FUCK do you think McCain has BEEN in the last 15-plus years, you complete fucking wanker?
McCain represents "change"? He represents insiderism & Broderism at their absolute worst -- he is the embodiment of phony "post-partisanship" at the expense of principle.
Not to mention that his foreign policy is utterly demented, Mr War for a Hundred Years.
Honestly. Do we need to revive the John McCain Obscene Limerick Googlebomb Project? I believe that we may.