Greater Wingnuttia appears to be progressing rather rapidly through the stages of grief over the probable nomination of St. John of Arizona as the GOP nominee: from denial to depression to stark-raving bugshit lunatic acceptance in about 24 hours. This last emanates from noted plagiarist and pompous git Ben Domenech, who also informs us:
The Reagan coalition survived Read my lips. It survived Bob Dole's peanut butter. It survived compassionate conservatism and its kid stepbrother national greatness. And it will survive John McCain and everything he will do as our nominee and as president. In fact—in a twisted version of the ancient Vulcan proverb “Only Nixon could go to China”—only McCain can save it.
They will say the coalition is dead—but we will know better. We know it only sleeps. We will cast our votes knowing that the day will come, four years from now, when a new leader, one who knows what the shining city truly means, stands in front of the fresh-dug tomb, and calls into the blackness, as if to Lazarus—"Come out!"
And when we hear it, we will rise from out of our stupor, dust cobwebs from our arms, stumble to the door, our eyes blinking in the sunlight … and we will know our day has come.
It's okay, you can smile. The bastards won't know what hit 'em.
Oh, I think we'll know what gummed our ankles all right on that Dawn of the Dorks.
The first point here is that anyone thinking the Conservative Base won't find a way of frothing just as maniacally for McCain as they did against him, well, it's awfully late in the game to expect any sort of consistency out of that crowd. The second is that Domenech supplies further evidence for my thesis that wingnuts can't write for shit. (The tomb is freshly dug and also four years old? You can see why he had to go out and steal from people who had some clue what they were doing.)