Apparently Unity '08 is dead. Well, at least they went out with the fly all the way open and the Jurgens' bottle all the way empty.
Nobody is taking it harder than the owners of the Kleenex corporation, I'm sure.
Anyway, There are two main problems with sponsoring a political movement premised on the idea that Partisanship is Bad.
1. It's stupid. There is not much of a constituency for the idea that you should get interested in politics because you're... disinterested. That is in fact crazy. No, we can't all just get along. That's why we have a political system in the first place. If everyone were freaking St Francis, we'd all have doves on our arms and squirrels on our heads, and that would be cool, if you're into squirrel poop in your eyes, but in reality, politics is about disagreement. Cheez.
2. It's dangerous. Politics should be personal. Personally, I want a stupid war to end, and I want better health care for my family. Duh. I want these ends achieved. That means I want a political fight, and I want to win it.
"Unity '08" and Broderism in general is about disenfranchisement, about telling people they should not be so crass as to vote their interests, even on so basic a matter as how they will pay for medical treatment when they get sick.
Now, if you will excuse me, I have a grave to pee on...