Wow. Andy Sullivan is losing his mind. Somebody, quick, get that peanut before it rolls under the couch.
My fear is that if you merely wound her candidacy, you are in danger. The Clinton machine is now poised to pull every partisan lever and deploy every cheap tactic: the gender card, the elderly card, the 527s, the teachers' unions, AFSCME, the Human Rights Campaign, the super-delegates, and the core Democratic base. This is always about the Clintons. If the Democrats have to lose to McCain in November so Hillary Cliton can become the first female nominee for any major party, that's a price the country will just have to pay.
Now they have to either kill or coopt the hope that Obama has unleashed. Just as Bush coopted McCain's New Hampshire message in 2000, so Clinton is coopting Obama's message in 2007. She didn't find her own voice; she took Obama's, removed the eloquence and added a spice of identity politics.
She is the Bush of the Democrats. Which is why Obama must defeat her.
Jesus tits, get a fucking grip, you big giant baby. You're just making all that shit up.
Pro forma: I would prefer a different candidate than HRC. That said, more harm has been done to our democracy by the demented anti-Clintinoids than the Clintons ever did. For openers, these are by and large the same gang of assholes who enabled George W Bush.
Sullivan has no grasp of policy, or of how things actually work or are likely to in the real world. Or he just doesn't care. He has some Exciting Grand Epic Movie playing in his head, and that's what matters.
Though I look forward to Obama getting the nomination and then telling all the unions that they are anti-America, and having them eat that shit up on a plate because of his eloquence. And how he will denounce the "core Democratic base" and then get elected and ride into DC on the back of a magical pony.
What a complete lunatic is our Andy Sullivan. I hope to fuck Obama isn't returning his calls.