You read some strange things in the Washington Post Opinion pages, no doubt. But this really deserves some sort of prize in the WTF? category:
Some of us -- in my case, a political conservative and evangelical Christian -- are getting a queasy feeling when it comes to the presidential campaign of former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, and much of it has to do with his use of faith in this political campaign....
Some of these episodes are by themselves unproblematic; others are more troubling. They are certainly different in degree, and even in kind, from what President Bush, an evangelical Christian, has said.
Ummm... what?
And taken together, they raise a concern: Is Mike Huckabee, a man of extremely impressive political gifts and shrewdness, playing the Jesus card in a way that is unlike anything we have quite seen before?
Why, no. Or to put this another way, are you high, or do you just think everyone else is?
I get that the muckety-mucks in the GOP are worried because Huckabee actually means and believes all this God-bothering bullshit, and they've just been pretending and pandering. That's clear.
But the cynicism of this essay is just way off the charts. After the Huckabee poll surge, I can see why Peter Wehner wants to pretend that his party hasn't been pretending and pandering and dog-whistling and Christ-invoking and code-talking and cross-waving, very goddamn loudly and ostentatiously, for a couple of decades now. Similarly, for private reasons of his own he may someday wish to appear in public dressed in chainmail and a fruit-hat demanding he be worshiped as the Supreme Empress Susan. However, that doesn't place any obligation on anyone to play along with such sports.
That's your modern conservative thinker for you, though, especially of the Bush/Bennett variety. As soon as the immediate past that everyone knows about becomes inconvenient -- pretend it never happened. This is what they call "personal responsibility."
"Is Mike Huckabee, a man of
extremely impressive political gifts and shrewdness, playing the Jesus
card in a way that is unlike anything we have quite seen before?" Jaysus! It is in fact rather comical.