So I watched the Macy's Parade this morning. Well, not so much watched as listened while cleaning and cooking and stuff. If you're wondering what the demographic is, let me assure you that three year olds LOVE the parade. It's a little more hit-and-miss for those more dependably potty-trained, however.
But something struck me as I zoned out to the freaked-out chatter of Doogie Howser and similar: over and over and over, they noted that the weather was so warm that the crowds were huge. Three and half million people, according to Mayor Bloomberg's office. Three and a half million.
So I got to thinking: the Macy's parade route is what, 40 blocks or so? And spectators are basically from the buildings to the street. Three and half million people on 40 blocks, just on the sidewalks.
How, then, is it possible that thirty blocks of blocked-off avenue, with people from building to building, and thousands shunted off onto side streets and forced away from the protest proper... how is it possible that that crowd numbers between 100,000 and 400,000? It's a fucking miracle.
Maybe we need fewer bloody George Bush puppets and more Pikachu puppets.