Malkin won't give up, which would be a testament to her determination if it weren't instead a testament to the fact that she's nuts -- a nuttiness expressed not least in her firm conviction that she's the real victim in the Frost affair. She is the target of the wicked liberals, the person subject to the smear job, the one being lied about. Didn't the "moonbats" publish her home address yet once more, huh? Huh?
Well, one guy did. Of course, as Jon Swift reports (he's a real reporter, you know, as are all reasonable conservatives who know how to access the internet):
is such an extreme conservative that he is sometimes mistaken for an extreme liberal. He is a Christian who calls himself “right-leaning.” He is against abortion and thinks homosexuality is “sick and repulsive” (“If you’re queer, you don’t belong here,” he says.) He is against neoconservatives (preferring the “paleoconservatism” of Pat Buchanan) and believes the Iraq War was a mistake but is opposed to pulling out now.
Sorry, guys, but he's not in point of fact one of ours. But Malkin does have her defenders on the right, to balance out the one guy on the right who gave out her home address. (I still wouldn't give that out, by the way, but it should be pointed out that if I applied the same standards to her that she's applying to the Frosts, she's "fair game" to do so. After all, that would just be reporting, not intimidation.)
These Malkin-protectors are all pretty hilarious, but my favorite so far is Robert Stacy McCain. It's not so much that McCain seems to think that Malkin has gotten the "facts" right so far and liberals haven't, it's that claims liberas hate her because they're racists: "She is routinely hit with racial and sexual insults from 'progressives' who otherwise pride themselves on their opposition to racism and sexism."
See, this is funny, because Mr. Stacy McCain has been known to have a wee bit of a problem with the "racism" thing himself:
So, let’s take a look at the views and not-so-hidden agenda of one of the actual editors of the paper, specifically, assistant national editor Robert Stacy McCain, who has a habit of posting commentary on message boards and elsewhere around the Internet:
"[T]he media now force interracial images into the public mind and a number of perfectly rational people react to these images with an altogether natural revulsion. The white person who does not mind transacting business with a black bank clerk may yet be averse to accepting the clerk as his sister-in-law, and THIS IS NOT RACISM, no matter what Madison Avenue, Hollywood and Washington tell us."
Yes, you read that right: a "natural revulsion" and "THIS IS NOT RACISM."
That was posted by Robert Stacy McCain (who has contributed to New York Press in the past) on a website called Reclaiming the South. The Washington Times editor posts a lot on the right-wing as well, using an assumed name (BurkeCalhounDabney) but often linking back to his personal website, where there are photos of him and the rest of his large family of Seventh Day Adventists (and which identifies him by his real name and as a Washington Times editor). Editor McCain, who hails from Rome, GA, is one of those Confederate types who still hasn’t gotten over the Civil War and is trying to get the South to secede. He’s a member of a Southern secessionist organization called League of the South. Here’s a quote from that group’s leader, Michael Hill:
"The day of Southern guilt is over–THE SOUTH WAS RIGHT–and let us not forget that salient fact. NO APOLOGIES FOR SLAVERY should be made. In both the Old and New Testaments slavery is sanctioned and regulated according to God’s word. Thus, when practiced in accord with Holy Scripture, it is NOT A SIN. Our ancestors were not evil men because they held slaves. This issue is our Achilles Heel, and the only way to deal with it is to confront our accusers boldly and without guilt. After all, what we are really upholding is GOD’S WORD. Let us fear Him, and we’ll fear no man"....
McCain, an editor and sometimes commentator at a paper that the gay Andrew Sullivan, the African-American Thomas Sowell and other right-leaning members of minority groups are only too happy to write columns for and take cash from, believes that Abraham Lincoln was a "war criminal" who should have been tried for "treason." (His reasoning, he writes, is that Lincoln and the Northerners were the true racists; something tells me–actually, studying his other comments and affiliations is what tells me–that that is not the real reason at all.)
In his Web postings McCain has stated that Harvard president Lawrence Summers should be "persecuted and run out of town" for supporting gay rights. He also believes that the civil rights movement directly resulted in "black criminality" because people were encouraged to break the law by getting arrested at demonstrations!
"I am disturbed…by [Jesse] Jackson’s idea that ‘breaking white folks’ rules’ was somehow inherently just," he wrote on "If rules were to be broken merely because they were work of white folks, then hasn’t Jackson gone a long way toward explaining the explosion of black criminality that began in the 1960s? This shows how the civil rights movement, to a great extent, represented a direct assault on tradition and law."
These viewpoints offer background for and insight into some of McCain’s pieces in The Washington Times. This past October he warned about the "Backlash Building in White America," as the headline of his article blared, and he interviewed and promoted an obscure professor who claimed "that society should combat white nationalists in part by acknowledging the legitimacy of some of their grievances" and that white nationalism is "the monster that identity politics created." (Yes, blame it all on blacks themselves!)
Some of McCain’s Washington Times articles are reprinted, presumably with his and his paper’s permission, on a creepy website called American Renaissance (to which McCain has written at least one letter to the editor, offering "warm congratulations" on an article). Here’s what the respected Southern Poverty Law Center has to say about that site: "Edited by white separatist Jared Taylor, American Renaissance is a magazine with a highfalutin tone that links IQ levels to racial groups and promotes eugenics, the ‘science’ of improving the human race through selective breeding."
And if Mr. Stacy McCain wants to get all pissy that someone is reminding him of this Michelangelo Signorile piece yet again, he ought to remember that he is "fair game" and the only person he can blame is the Washington Moonie Times, which has thrust him upon the national stage for obviously sinister purposes. Quick, someone find out what kind of car he drives. This is vital information.