I very much hope this current wingnuttijihad is as dead as Perkin Warbeck. But that is not up to me. I only blog here.
I do believe, however, that all of us in the liberal blogosphere are united in thanking Jonathan Cohn for leading us in the counterattack against these latest Lies of the Right. Without the guidance of the gang at The New Republic, we would have been lost.
You guys are the best.
UPDATE: I guess I wasn't clear; it was late and I was in a bad mood, so I snarked ambiguously.
What I meant was not that TNR is falsely claiming credit for being out front in debunking this smearing. But why can't they just say that someone was out there in front of them? I'm not saying (a la Althouse) that I deserved a link from TNR, just that I and lots of other people were on this "story" about three days earlier than they were. We played a role. Why not mention it?
From one perspective, who cares -- as long as the debunking was done successfully (more or less), who cares who gets the credit? But from another perspective, not mentioning this makes it easier to blame this whole fetid mess on "blogs" and how mean and not-civil blog discourse is in general, rather than placing the blame precisely where it belongs -- with the right-wing "movement" and how it operates on every level, all the way from bottom feeder freepers to Rush Limbaugh to Mitch McConnell. It was not "blogs" who smeared the Frosts. It was movement conservatives.
That seems to me a crucial point, so it's a bit of a bummer to see the omission on the blog of a publication that is at least nominally "on our side" of the role that left blogs played in all this.
I hope that clarifies things. Sorry for the confusion.