FROM: Thers, On Behalf of All Us liberal Bloggers Who Live on Snark
TO: Michael Gerson
Dear Mr. Gerson:
In reference to your latest post, especially lines like the following:
Recent books and studies seem to indicate disturbing sexual trends among evangelical Christians. And this time we're not talking about their pastors or political leaders. The new attention is on evangelical teenagers, who reportedly start sex earlier than their mainline Protestant peers.
One gleeful headline on an Internet site recently read: "Evangelical Girls Are Easy." That is not the way I remember it.
It is you, sir, yourself, who make it too easy.
Love (and a Moste Chaste Kiss),
(More seriously, Gerson argues that according to the "sniggering" MSM, Evangelical Christian Teens seem to fuck at least as often as all other teens; he concedes that this is true, but he stresses also that if you only count the small percentage of the wealthier ones who are totally zealous Evangelicals, then their Abstinence Batting Average improves greatly. Also, he says if our society were totally different then different things would exist in our society. He's fucking brilliant, that man. Why, I think he is almost bright enough to write for Townhall.
Also, dig this:
Conservatism teaches that individuals are not inherently good and so must be carefully civilized.
Yes, I know.
I thank Gerson for providing an elegant nutshell explanation of exactly why I am a liberal in the first place.)