So Scooter is free! While David Broder dries his tears of relief on his finest lace doily, Greater Wingnuttia celebrates -- Cheetos and pop for everybody! Little Dan Riehl, the silliest wingnut of them all, rubs his little palms together in glee: "The Left will go Bonkers!" Well, how The Left will respond remains to be seen. But it is quite clear that Dan Riehl surely knows from "bonkers":
I believe a combination of inside pressures and outside forces will eventually have to liberate much of the Middle-east if we are to mostly eliminate the threat from radical Islam. But as with most things, liberation begins at home. Bush needs to step up and liberate Scooter Libby now.
This may perhaps be some species of "joke," but it is even more certainly some phylum of "stupid." Why, I predict that the commutation of Scooter Libby's sentence will have no effect on Radical Islam whatsoever! It is more likely that it will make the Bush "base" appear even more ludicrous as they spout off about "the rule of law," a concept with which they are familiar only phonetically.
On this issue Red State weighs in, likewise attempting humor:
Come to think of it, we can also hear Mrs. Clinton discuss whether losing your high federal office is insufficient punishment for perjury.
Though once one considers what "perjury" actually is and the distinction between being convicted for it and not being even tried for it, the joke gets less funny and the actual as opposed to phony hypocrisy becomes located elsewhere. Hello, Wingnuttia!
UPDATE: The Left reacts. How bonkers is that!