If it's Wednesday, some silly conservative-type person with a blog is complaining about Liberal Incivility and Bad Language. Of course this occurs on other days of the week as well. But it's Wednesday, so here's Don Surber:
A DNC apologist last night accused Bill O’Reilly of cherry-picking foul-language comments and hateful comments left at the Daily Kos web site. The DNC guy may have had a better case if Kos himself could make a point without resorting to profanity.
An auspicious beginning. Who said what about the what to the who now? Surber later on will preen about his "30 years as a writer" -- a long and no doubt illustrious career in which he apparently learned how not to include checkable references so as to make his smarmy innuendo more effective. How delightfully slimy of you, Mister Surber! A "DNC apologist" of no name said something last night in some unidentified forum. Eeek. And now Harry Reid has to "apologize" if someone in comments to an obscure Kos diary calls some creep like Surber a "fuckberry"? Right.
Also entertaining here is the conflation of "bad language" with "hateful comments," which are not quite the same thing. A good old-fashioned idiomatic American English "fuck you" may indeed be a proper, principled, no-nonsense response to, say, weaselly political rhetoric. "Hateful comments" are a totally separate category -- racist language, for instance, would be hateful... but not every racist says "fuck." Surber doesn't make this distinction, because he's lazy or it would just be inconvenient to do so. This is the ancient dilemma with our friends over there -- are they lying or merely stupid?
Lefties have a tendency to drop F-bombs. And not just in comments. Over at the Huffington Post, a search of the F-word hit the jackpot....
People have the God-given right to write what they wish. But I caution liberals on their language. People judge maturity in part by vocabulary. I have learned this in 30 years of writing. I pass it along....
I suggest that Kos, et al, start monitoring their comments. You want to sit at the grown-ups’s table, you have to act grown-up.
"Righties" have a tendency to pretend that they are "mature" and reasonable and that they make sense just because they don't say "fuck." Or don't say it so often. Or something. What's amazing is that they say this with a straight face, because when it comes to the quality of their actual "ideas," they are usually talking the most astounding absolute shit.
"People" make judgments not merely upon vocabulary. Sometimes they make judgments based upon actual issues and whatnot, and also upon the real-world results of someone's rhetoric. Ah, how I miss 2005, when pretty much daily some wingnut dope would opine that "the American people" would never vote in Democrats because some liberal blogger somewhere called Bush a shithead or similar. As it turns out, however, Bush is a shithead, and the GOP lost the House and Senate. So much for the Wingnut Electoral Civility Thesis.
So go ahead, assholes. Deplore the Liberal "F-Bombs"! I myself think the less than happy effects of the literal bombs that have been deployed as a consequence of your rhetoric over the past several years are more than sufficient testament to your "maturity" and right to sit at the "grown-ups' table."
Surber's post is vile. There's nothing much in the whine about the bad language, but he's going to throw in everything he can to make it seem like there is. Not only does he conflate curses with "hate speech," he then conflates curses with "obscene or libelous comment," a completely separate category of speech. All this in the context of this inane argument:
The blogger is responsible for what is on the blog. A blogger who leaves an obscene or libelous comment up should be held accountable for that comment. You own it. It’s yours.
Of course, liberals never accept personal responsibility. Lawyer Glenn Greenwald wrote at Salon: “One of the lowest and most dishonest tactics is to attempt to smear and demonize a blog by exploiting statements left on the blog by commenters which have no connection to the arguments made by the blogger.”
No. Wrong. What is low is allowing people to post such things as “comments.” Greenwald, who was something of a sock puppet master back when he was on Blogger.com, knows better.
What an ass. What blogs need is... litigation! Lawsuits! (If this isn't what he meant about "accountability" he should say so, as that's the clear implication of "libelous".)
And then the "liberals never accept personal responsibility," and the resurrection of the Greenwald "sock puppet" stuff, which is (a) bullshit, and (b) wholly irrelevant in this context...
You have shown me your language, and my profit on't, is I know why to curse.