This is, clearly, the Tinfoil Age of right-wing comics, or at least the comical right-wing. So let's check in on "Earth-W," the Parallel Earth of the Wingnuts, a place that looks much like our world, but is eerily different!
For instance, there, Evil Supervillain Harry Reid is about to be FORCED TO RESIGN IN DISGRACE as SENATE MAJORITY LEADER for saying something MUCH MORE SHOCKING than Trent Lott's racist babbling! The Eart-W Harry Reid said that the Iraq War is Lost, and that Harry Reid's supervillain superpower is to do untold harm by making an obvious point! (His Supervillain name on Earth-W, I understand, is "Darkreid.")
Meanwhile, here in our Earth's America, most people think that racism is MUCH WORSE than pointing out that a fucked up disaster of a war is in fact A FUCKED-UP DISASTER OF A WAR!
(Below: Earth-W's "Darkreid" contemplates how best to Undermine the Troops!)