Rich Lowry identifies the hidden scandal of the Virginia Tech atrocities: grade inflation.
Finally, is it really so hard to imagine a world in which an English professor says, "You aren't going to wear sunglasses in my class." Says, "If you don't participate in the discussion in my seminar, you are going to fail." Says, "If you can't produce work that can be read aloud without frightening everyone else, you are going to fail." Says, "Your work is disgusting trash and not up to my standards." Instead, Cho seemed to get passed along.
Batshit crazy doesn't mean "stupid," Rich. Go take a gander at your pal the Derbster, for instance.
There are a lot of pretty strange people on college campuses, and you can't fail someone just because they're spooky. And, as I understand it, the lunatic in question was pulled from one class where he was freaking people out; that's why he was being tutored.
The Corner has been especially stupid and sewer-like this week.