So the Big Project is mostly finished. The writing is done, the research... YOU try writing a book when you have 409 children, all but 6 of them under the age of 3. And a job. (5 courses a semester, yo.) And I also have to maintain probably the most important Liberal Blog ever written, and that is a Tremendous Responsibility. Anyway, the MS is dispatched.
What's the Book about? Why, Jane Austen.
I've been asked by a few folks about how the book might be ordered when it appears. Fucked if I know. I suppose I'll make an announcement. I have little financial incentive to do so, though; I received a flat fee, I don't have a royalties deal. But if you really wanna know I'll explain how when it goes to press.
I have some thoughts about Austen I'll be afficting you all with in the next few months, but for now, I'm just gonna relax for a day or so...