I hate to confess it, but I'm a bit at a loss here. Who wins? The longtime champeen, Althouse, on the Emmys:
Conan does a routine on TiVo fastforwarding using TiVo fastforwarding, which I discover while fastforwarding on TiVo. So it's double fastforwarded. That was freaky.
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert present the Reality show award, and Colbert throws a tantrum about losing to Barry Manilow. "Singing and dancing is not performing!" "The Amazing Race" wins. I've watched that a couple times. Don't enjoy it. Travel travails. Ugh! I wanted "Project Runway" to win. Did you notice they spotlighted Andrae in the little clip. What happened to Andrae?
Or the challenger, the nimble Maximos, who patiently explains to you squirrelly liberals the surprising things you truly believe:
Liberalism, then, as an animating spirit, is nothing more, nothing less, than the idea of doing what one wills, for ends one has chosen, for one’s pleasure. It is the notion of doing one’s own thing, of being bossed by no one, of having it one’s own way. To be sure, liberalism-as-animating-spirit now requires the mediation of philosophy - of a sort - to preserve itself from itself, from its own and only tendency to promote dissolution and decadence, for if all were to do as they desired, why, there would be anarchy. And so, the deliverance of philosophy, now the eunuch of the passions, is that one may do as one wishes insofar as one does not interfere with others’ doing as they wish, whether by harm or interference. One might denominate this the “Harm Principle” or any number of other things, but the idea is basic and inescapable: this is the Golden Rule of liberalism - although to refer to it as such is to sully the name of a holy and venerable principle. Suffice it to say that it is the principle of reciprocity which serves as the linchpin of liberal ethics and the first, glaring inconsistency of liberalism.
I... cannot decide. I feel like Paris with the apple! Only, I don't have an apple, I'm not Paris, and this is all pretty silly.